The Sober Survival Guide - How to Free Yourself from Alcohol Forever - Quit Alcohol & Start Living! - By Simon Chapple.
Foreword by Annie Grace - Author of This Naked Mind - Control Alcohol
Are you tired of thinking about drinking?
Hands up if you believe any of the following about drinking alcohol to be true:
If you find yourself nodding at even one of these statements, then I know how you feel. I was a heavy daily drinker for over twenty years, I too used to believe that I couldn't live without alcohol.
Are you too are tired and fed up with the routine of drinking, and want to make a change and improve your life? Or you may simply be curious about how an alcohol-free life might look for you. Could it be better? Happier? Calmer? More peaceful?
Perhaps you're already on the path to changing your relationship with booze and might have read other 'sober books' or taken part in programmes to help you quit alcohol. You to know you can do the same as me and find complete freedom from alcohol, and that you don't have to wait for years like I did.
Quitting alcohol isn't as difficult as you might think, and this book will provide the support, tactics and advice you need as you progress on your sober journey.
The Sober Survival Guide is unique in that it is split into two parts. The first is designed to set you up for success and put you in a place where you can find freedom from alcohol and quit drinking forever if that's what you want. The first part of the book contains essential information for when you're in the early stages of controlling your drinking.
The second part acts as a handbook as you move forward into an alcohol-free life and is where this book comes into its own. As you read it you'll see I've used my own experiences and those of the people I've worked with to help ensure you're ready for the challenges, fears, and questions that come up in the years after quitting drinking. You'll learn how to handle the work Christmas party without a glass of bubbly in hand, the joys of sober holidays, what to do when you stop drinking but your partner won't, and a whole lot more.
This unique quit alcohol book also shares my own personal accounts that helped me learn (sometimes the hard way), as well as providing vital tools and tactics it will also leave you with a smile on your face and provide you with a fun and enjoyable read. Part memoir, part sober guide and 100% alcohol free - The Sober Survival Guide is perfect for anyone looking to free themselves from the grip of alcohol.
Simon Chapple is the founder of Be Sober one of the largest online 'quit drinking' communities, he is also a speaker and works as a Certified Alcohol Coach working with This Naked Mind helping people change their relationship with alcohol and quit for good. He has helped thousands of people who wanted to stop drinking and has made it his life mission to spread the word about the benefits an alcohol-free life brings.