And the enemy used it all to torment him daily for years.
But Rick Renner was no misfit, as his young mind had been told. He not only marched to the beat of a different drummer from a very young age — he was marching to the rhythm of God's unique calling on his life. It was a call to full-time ministry that drew him through the confusing mire of opposing voices and dream thieves to Soviet lands on the other side of the world — to places where his love for the arts was "normal," but most importantly, to places that had been spiritually dry and devoid of the Bible for decades, where the people welcomed him and his family with open arms.
Rick's intellectual "ineptitude" was also refuted when he studied Greek in college and went on to become a foremost teacher of New Testament Greek in the international Christian community. Having begun the first Christian television network in the former Soviet Union; produced daily TV teaching programs that air around the world; and written more than 50 books on topics ranging from Church history and spiritual warfare to events concerning the last days, Rick's story is as unlikely as they come.
Having grown up in Sand Springs, Oklahoma, Rick now lives in the metropolitan city of Moscow, Russia. In his autobiography, he writes about:
Whether you realize it or not, you have an unlikely story too. And you don't have to be wise, powerful, or prestigious to live the dream of fulfilling your divine destiny. In fact, these aren't the best characteristics for submitting your resumé to God. Instead, give Him your weakness and your willingness and just watch your own story of "unlikely" unfold.