Newly revised and updated, this is the industry standard for executives and professionals in all major industries, and includes a free resume review by the author. Steven Provenzano is President of ECS: Executive Career Services and DTP, Inc. ECS is a team of certified experts specializing in career marketing at all income levels. Mr. Provenzano is the author of ten highly successful career books including Top Secret Resumes & Cover Letters, 4th Ed., the Complete Career Marketing guide for all job seekers. He is a CPRW, Certified Professional Resume Writer, a CEIP, Certified Employment Interview Professional, and has written or edited more than 5000 resumes for staff, managers and executives at all income levels during his 20 years in career marketing and corporate recruiting. His team is so highly regarded, they were selected to write more than 1500 resumes for all of SAP America's domestic consultants. Steven has appeared numerous times on CNBC, CNN, WGN, NBC/ABC in Chicago, in the Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, Crain's, the Daily Herald, and on numerous radio programs. His work is endorsed by Chicago Tribune career columnist Lindsey Novak, as well as top executives from the Fortune 500, including Motorola, Coca-Cola and other firms. You may email your resume direct to the author for a free review, to the email provided on the back cover.
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